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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wedding Ang Pow Box

In Chinese Wedding, there are always reception tables for the guests to ask about their table which they will be sitting at.

In addition to that, this is a time when guests will give red packet or ang pow as a gift to the wedding couple.

There is money in the ang pow. If you are just a normal acquaintance or fellow colleague, the amount of money is about S$80 to S$100.

For very good friends, they may give about S$120 to S$150.

For relatives, they may give from S$200 to S$2000 depending on the closeness and relationship.

Some relatives may even give to S$10,000 to the wedding couple.

At the reception table, there is an ang pow box when guests can slot their red packets in.

There is always a close relative or family member who is in charge of the box as the amount of money in the box may build up to S$40,000 for that night.

I have heard of con man who posed as relatives and divert the attention of the person who is in charge of the box. The con man may lied that the groom told him to take over and he ran off once he got hold of the box.

You may choose to do-it-yourself or buy a ready-made one.

How you can do a ang pow box for your wedding?

You need to get a box for A4 papers, a piece of wrapping paper, glue and a decor.

For the decor, you may be able to get wedding bears, dolls, angels or any item you think is suitable.

Jhong Ren runs My Wedding Blog- an online wedding diary that gives more than just the usual tips and advice on a daily basis. Check out now and by all means leave us your comments, share some of your own wedding experiences and give us some suggestions for new resources we can recommend to our community.

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