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Friday, June 22, 2007

Looking Great in your Bridesmaid Dresses & Wedding Dresses

So, the wedding is two weeks away and you have ten pounds that you would like to lose. Well, it is time to pull out the big guns! If you have two or three weeks, you can drop some weight and even go down a dress size. These are some simple tips that you can follow, but you must be stringent and stick to it in order for it to work. Of course, there is no one plan that works for everyone, but this type of healthy eating plan does work for most people.

1. Swear off sodas. Sodas have many ingredients that can make you bloated or fat. Sugar and sodium are but two. So, if you really want to look your best in that dress and drop those few pounds, leave the soda and grab water instead.

2. Cut back on the sugar. Sugar makes you fat, plain and simple. You don't have to cut out sugar completely, but you do need to reduce your intake. Try to limit your sugar consumption to about 12 grams per meal or snack.

3. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. This means no cans, only fresh produce. Raw is even better, but you may steam your vegetables with some herbs and just a little sea salt. Select a wide variety of types and colors.

4. Choose lean meats. Lean meats such as chicken and turkey are very good because they offer large doses of protein which helps with weight loss. You should also have fish, such as salmon or mackerel, once or twice a week because it provides omega 3 fatty acids which promote healthy weight loss.

5. Select whole grains. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, quinoa and other grains are vital because they provide the body with fiber which is very important for weight loss and have fewer starches, allowing the body to become lean.

6. Cut back on the fat. You want to limit your fat to 7 to 10 grams per meal or snack. You need a certain amount of fat in your body to cushion organs and keep your skin moist and supple, so you do need some, but if you cut back your fat to this amount, you will lose weight.

7. Forget about the processed foods. Processed foods typically have very high sodium levels. This will make you gain weight and retain water. Go completely fresh and lay off of the prepared meals, TV dinners, canned foods and other processed foods; you will notice a decrease in your waistline.

8. Eat often but watch your portion size. You should eat 5 to 6 times a day. This means 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks. You should have breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. Make your portions small and try to space your meals and snacks about 2 hours apart. You will not be hungry if you stick to this schedule and stay with the fresh foods.

9. Exercise regularly. Do some type of exercise for at least 30 minutes, a minimum of three times a week. Walk, do kickboxing, whatever gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for 30 minutes or more and you will see the pounds melt off.

10. Drink lots of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You can have tea or coffee, but not in place of water.

Keep up these diet strategies and you will drop those unwanted pounds in no time!

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Corporate Wine
Valentine Teacher
Gift Personalized

Posted by lasd431281359 | 10:08 PM | E-mail this post

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